It’s been six months to the day since Zororo Makamba left us.

Six months without his random voice notes on a Tuesday morning sharing a new idea “we simply can’t waste time executing.”

Six months without an invitation to “grab a shish” at The Space with the boys to celebrate a new achievement

Six months without a heated conversation on the State of the Nation and asking “when will it be our turn to have a seat at the table.”

It still feels so surreal. Maybe because it all happened so suddenly. Maybe because there was no big send off. Maybe because…

I’ve been trying to write this piece for over an hour now and keep deleting words because nothing actually feels right.

What I do know is that I miss my friend and I hurt daily that he is not here with us. I’m thankful though for the memories he left and the incredible wisdom through the conversations we had and the way he lived his life.

Truly a remarkable and inspirational man.

It’s been six months yet still ndirikushaya zororo nekushaya kwaZororo.

  • End

We only have one shot at this… we have one life and life is so short.

Zororo makamba